Charity Support

For 2021, all money raised via Finders International’s charity events and activities in the UK will be donated to ‘Age UK’ & ‘Young Minds’ and for Ireland, ‘Age Action’ and ‘Jigsaw’.
Age UK is the country’s leading charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life.
Young Minds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health,
Read more here about the UK based charities.
Age Action provides services including Care and Repair, computer training and information, and also campaigns for older people at a national level.
Jigsaw offer expert mental health advice and support, online an in person to young people across Ireland, aged 12-25 years old.
Hi Everyone,
Firstly, Thank You so much to those of you who have donated to my fundraiser so far, to raise money for Pieta and their local charity partners. Your incredible generosity will help to support the global fight against suicide, self-harm and stigma. You have potentially changed the lives of those people and families who are struggling with mental health issues, suicide and self-harm. That is incredible and you should be so proud.
I wanted to give you all a half way update on how my challenge is going so far. As you know, I am aiming to run/walk 200km throughout April before completing Darkness Into Light at Sunrise on the 8th May 2021.
The challenge has been enjoyable and invigorating and I have been roping in family members to help support me on my walks. Early morning walks (including weekends) and later evening walks have all become a part of my daily routine and much to my own surprise I have found that I can actually run and I am now able for running 20 minutes without stopping or feeling like I am unable to breathe 😊 My fitness level is improving while I am supporting an amazing cause, it’s a win win for me.
I have been tracking each walk and run using the Strava app and you can see from the image that I have on day 15 of the challenge hit 104.8km. I am delighted to be a little ahead of my target at this stage and I am feeling positive that I can and will succeed.
You can still support my efforts by making an online donation through my fundraising page:
Anything you can donate would be greatly appreciated, no matter how small, every donation makes a difference.
Thank you, in advance, for making a donation and joining this global movement too.
Hayley x

Dania – The Danish School in London
Dania – The Danish School in London
If you’d like to donate you can do so here

World Land Trust
World Land Trust

Cancer Research UK
In September 2014 , we raised money at Shine Night Walk to help Cancer Research UK fund its life-saving work.

Sport Relief
In March 2016 , we raised money at Sport Relief. Of all the money raised by the public through Sport Relief, 50% is used to make a difference right here in the UK, and 50% goes towards transforming lives across the world’s poorest communities.

Irish Hospice Foundation
The Irish Hospice Foundation is dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by life-limiting illness, as well as those navigating the grief that comes with loss. Through their advocacy, education, and community-based services, the Foundation works to improve end-of-life care across Ireland. Their commitment to creating a compassionate society that values dignity in death is inspiring, and Finders are honoured to support their work, helping ensure that everyone facing terminal illness and loss receives the care and support they deserve.