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Finders International has been recognised at The UK Probate Research Awards for their outstanding contribution to ‘heir hunting’, or probate research – the process of tracing next of kin as often unsuspecting beneficiaries to estates, property and assets.
Celebrating the achievements and examples of excellence across forensic genealogy (or heir hunting), the UK Probate Research Awards, presented by the BBC’s Nikki Bedi, took place on 7 February 2019 in London.
Supported by Aviva Legal Indemnities, and the National Association of Licenced Paralegals (NALP), the UK Probate Research Awards – also a global first – were created in recognition of the fact that probate research has emerged as a profession which provides a constant stream of good news stories while providing an invaluable public and legal service. Welcome windfalls and reunification of families are regular events, while instrumental research and essential services support the legal world.
Finders International has lead the way with numerous appearances in themedia and press and on the BBC1 Series ‘Heir Hunters’ and their MD, Danny Curran received the Award for the company of ‘Best UK Probate Research Firm 2019’ commenting; “we are very grateful to all our supporters and international colleagues for their support and are delighted to be recognised as the best in our field in this way.”
Four more of the fifteen awards on offer went to members of the team at Finders International: Ryan Gregory was awarded Best International Probate Researcher of the Year, and Katie Watson was presented the trophy for the ‘Best Probate Research Paralegal’ by Amanda Hamilton, CEO of NALP, the National Association of Licensed Paralegals. David Lockwood of Finders was awarded for the ‘Best Community Contribution 2019’ recognising his tireless work in helping Councils with their Public Health Act Funeral and Empty Homes responsibilities and being an advocate for Local Authority Deputyship teams as well as running free to use advice forms and events for these hard-pressed public sector bodies.
Age UK, the UK’s largest charity supporting older people, benefitted from the silent auction, as did the Dania School Bursary, which raised just under £1000.00 on the night.
Visit: www.probateresearchawards.org
Best Probate Law Firm 2019
Recognising the best support provided to probate researchers by a law firm. There are five awards for this category.
1. UK (Scotland) McClures Solicitors
2. UK (North) Ramsdens Solicitors
3. UK (Central) Blake Morgan Solicitors
4. UK (South) Coole Bevis Solicitors
5. UK (London/ SE) Blandy & Blandy Solicitors
Best International Probate Researcher of the Year 2019
Recognising an individual’s skill at their job
Ryan Gregory – Finders International
Best Private Deputyship Firm 2019
Private Deputyship firms perform a vital role in safeguarding the affairs of vulnerable clients. This award honours an outstanding provider in this trusted and sensitive area of work.
Best Community Contribution 2019
Recognising an individual/organisation that has made a considerable and special contribution to the community.
David Lockwood – Finders International
Best Property Clearance Firm 2019
Awarded to a firm who can demonstrate compliance and excellence in this essential area of work
Best Probate Research Paralegal 2019
This Award is presented to an individual whose professional skills as a probate researcher and a licensed paralegal are recognised as exemplary.
Award Presented by Amanda Hamilton, CEO of NALP
Katie Watson – Finders International
Best Human Interest Story 2019
Some stories uncovered by probate researchers touch people on an emotional level. It’s not about financial benefit, but about real-life stories and unexpected outcomes that are truly unique.
Award presented by David Stoch of Meerkat PR
Amy Cox (Finders International) & Lawrence Taylor
Best Probate Research Insurance Provider 2019
Insurance companies cover risks against claims on estates. These risks are only accepted after an approved probate research firm has finalised their report. This award goes to the insurance company who provides the most efficient and effective cover in this specialised field.
Outstanding Achievement in International Probate Research 2019
Recognising an individual’s contribution to the industry.
Jan-Mathis Holstein GEN (Germany)
Best UK Probate Research Firm 2019
Quite simply, this award goes to the firm who has consistently impressed with its results, standards and quality of service.