Tracing next of kin for local authorities

Finders International Ireland can trace next of kin, free of charge, for Ireland’s local councils or the Health Service Executive, when someone dies in their care and there is no known next of kin.

The councils or HSE may be tasked with arranging the burial or cremation of that person and it can mean that no-one apart from officials attends the funeral.

Thanks to our experience of tracing family members worldwide, we can often find people quickly and easily, and inform them of their relative’s passing—often in time for them to make the funeral if they choose to do so.

Ease financial burden

This service from Finders can help ease the financial burden on councils and the HSE by providing the opportunity for family members to pay for the burial or cremation costs.

Sadly, the number of people dying alone and without the finances or relatives to pay for their funeral, has increased in recent years.

In 2016, The reported that the Department of Social Protection paid out €28 million in exceptional needs payments to help cover the costs of funerals. Most of these grants were paid to family members organising services, but the department told The that they also cover arrangements for those with no next of kin.

Dignity and respect

A Limerick funeral director told the news site that while such funerals were organised on a low budget, they were carried out with dignity and respect.

The highest number of so-called pauper’s funerals was in Dublin City, and that councils often donated plots in cemeteries if they were ones in the corners because these are harder to sell.

Maeve Mullin, Director Finders Ireland’s, said: “When someone passes away and there is no-one around to mourn their loss, it is extremely sad.

“It is wonderful when we can give next-of-kin the chance to attend the funeral since in many of the situations we deal with, relatives who were unaware of a family member’s illness or death frequently express sadness that they were unable to attend the service.”

To find out more about the next of kin service, you can phone the Finders International Ireland office on: +353 (0)1 5676940 or email